News Story

Worldwide Interfaith Event Unites Fijian Youth

The energy was tangible as youth from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered recently with more than 600 other young people of different faiths in Suva, Fiji, to celebrate the beginning of “Season of Creation.” 

Young Latter-day Saints participated for the first time in the interfaith event, engaging together in a variety of “Season of Creation” activities, including singing several sacred hymns.

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Their singing had a great impact on the audience, which became clear when it was followed by an outpouring of applause after their performance of the hymn, “Did You Think to Pray?” There were even comparisons made to the world-renowned Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square by some gathered in the centre.

The youth shared that they experienced feelings of joy through their participation and expressed a desire to take part in future interfaith activities.

The programme included scripture readings, recited prayers, and reflections from the leaders of Catholic, Evangelical, Methodist, and Anglican faiths.

President David R. Atalifo, of the Nausori Fiji Stake (a group of congregations), represented The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

Season of Creation encourages people to join hands and voices in protecting the common environment through prayer, sustainable actions, and interfaith activities with powerful imagery of “a mighty river.” 

The theme for this annual, worldwide Christian event is “Let Justice and Peace Flow.”

The event was organised by the Fiji Council of Churches and was launched on Friday, 8 September at the Don Cosco Educational Centre. It runs through to Sunday, 8 October 2023.

Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.