Stake President Tim Jack invited participation in an art exhibition during a June 2024 conference weekend focusing on The Book of Mormon.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hobart, Australia recently shared their experiences with and testimonies of The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ through creative media displayed in an art exhibition.
In preparation for a conference focusing on the Book of Mormon, Hobart Stake President, Tim Jack, hoped to inspire members to revisit their favourite scriptures or spiritual experiences from the Book of Mormon.
Each exhibit was to be accompanied by a short explanation of the artist’s piece and its connection to the Book of Mormon.
Over 70 Church members from young children to adults accepted the invitation to participate.
President Jack said, "We had no idea how big the response would be. We had many beautiful entries from our children, youth, and adult members. On the night of the art show the attendance was overwhelming with everyone wanting to view each other's art. I was so pleased to see our members' testimonies of this sacred record shared in such a unique and powerful way."
Blanche Sayers said of her winning mixed media piece entitled Mosaic Bird Bath, “Alma 7:11-12 is the inspiration for, and underlying message of my art. It is through the Atonement of Jesus Christ that the miracle of putting broken pieces back together again can occur in this life. No matter how wounded you are, Jesus Christ can heal you. It is a privilege, a miracle, to see what he can make of your brokenness. He can take the shattered pieces of your life and rebuild it into something even greater—a glorious whole that is made stronger, more beautiful, and more complete because it was once broken. There is nothing in your life that is so broken it is beyond the curative, redeeming, and enabling power of Jesus Christ.”

Blanche Sayer received inspiration for her winning art piece from Alma chapter 7 in The Book of Mormon.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Fran Ross, who composed and sang an original lullaby based on the time leading up to the Saviour’s birth (found in Helaman chapter 14), not only shared her talent, but felt the love of the Saviour in observing the art of others.
She said, “I’ve always loved the story of Lehi’s vision of the tree of life. When I saw the tree of life created by young couple Sarah and Campbell King, I immediately felt the Spirit and was moved by the fact that they took the time together to create such a beautiful work of art. Whenever I think back on the evening with so many amazing pieces, it touches my heart.”
Sarah King, co-creator of the tree of life constructed from over 1000 crystal beads and 100 metres of fine copper wire, explained how the tree's exceedingly white fruit, as envisioned by the prophet Lehi in a dream, represents the love of God.
Sarah said, "Together, we choose each day to stay by the tree through the small and simple acts of daily prayer, remembering our sacred covenants with a loving Heavenly Father, and keeping His commandments with intention and exactness. We pondered and shared together not only the 'how', but 'why' we choose each and every day to stay by the tree, and we hope those who view our piece will do the same."
Young men, ages 11-17 served supper to those who viewed the exhibition.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe in four “standard works” or books of scripture: The Holy Bible; The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ; The Doctrine and Covenants; and The Pearl of Great Price.
Modern-day Prophets and Apostles also teach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Church’s Pacific Area Presidency—Elder Peter F. Meurs, Elder Taniela B. Wakolo, and Elder Jeremy R. Jaggi—invite all members and friends of the Church to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ through gathering to weekly worship services and to the faith’s temples.