News Story

Pacific Service Mission Leaders Meet for Training

Service mission leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from throughout the Pacific gathered recently, to be tutored by leaders and to share their experiences with each other.

These leaders guide the efforts of 65 young service missionaries serving in the Pacific area. Along with a variety of church assignments, these missionaries serve with local charities such as the Salvation Army, Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and other community organizations.

Elder Jeremy R. Jaggi, General Authority Seventy and member of the Pacific Area Presidency, presided at the meeting and was accompanied by his wife, Sister Amy Stewart Jaggi.  They were joined by New Zealand Auckland mission leaders, President Marvin R. Allen and Sister Lori B. Allen, along with emeritus General Authority Seventy, Elder Terence M. Vinson and his wife, Sister Kay Vinson, who also serve as Area Service Mission Leader Specialists.

Service mission leaders currently serve in New Zealand, Australia, French Polynesia, Tonga and Samoa.

Elder Jaggi told the mission leaders, “We need many more missionaries, both service and teaching missionaries.

“The Saviour heals those who are broken, and our role is to facilitate the Saviour’s doing that by drawing others to Him. Service missionaries do the same by helping others come unto Christ.”

Elder Derek Couch and Sister Leah Couch lead the service missionaries in Auckland and Northland, New Zealand. 

Sister Couch stated, “It all begins with preparing their hearts. The heart is vital to serving. All service then becomes an act of love.”

Everyone in attendance expressed their gratitude for the valuable lessons learned to equip them to better support their young service missionaries.

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