Worship services each Sunday in tens of thousands of congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are open to all.
On Sunday 17 July, Anne Stanley MP accepted the invitation to attend a service in the Green Valley 1st Ward (congregation) in Sydney, Australia.

Anne Stanley MP with members of Sydney's Green Valley 1st Ward. 17 July 2022.
Anne Stanley MP with members of Sydney's Green Valley 1st Ward. 17 July 2022.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Young members of the congregation, Duyen and Teu, sat with Ms Stanley, explaining to her how Latter-day Saints participate in the sacrament each week, in remembrance of the life, love and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Each Sunday, speakers from each congregation address various topics during worship services, such as God’s plan for His children, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and practical suggestions for the challenges of life. This week, speakers spoke about womanhood, raising children, serving others, self-reliance, and turning to the Saviour in troubling times.
After the meeting Ms Stanley toured the meetinghouse and visited various classes including Primary, where children sing songs and participate in lessons focused on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
She also learned about ways that members of the Church participate in community service opportunities.
Ms Stanley commented that it was a “thought-provoking and wonderful service.”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is politically neutral, and welcomes all to worship God and Jesus Christ with them.