The Relief Society is the women's auxilliary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is one of the largest and oldest women's organisations in the world, being established in 1842 and having as its motto "Charity Never Faileth."
Relief Society members from the Dianella region of Perth in Western Australia recently gathered together to compile Transient Teenager Toiletry (TTT) bags for the charitable organisation Care Bags – because children in care matter.
Each TTT bag was packed with toiletry items to be given to teenagers and young adults who are transient, in care or living on their own to help maintain their personal hygiene and self-esteem.

More than 60 TTT bags were handed over to Sandy Clancy, Vice-Chairperson of Care Bags - because children in care matter, who attended the activity on behalf of the charity. Sandy spoke to the women about the positive impact the TTT bags have on recipients, as well as the history of the organisation.

Founded in 2018, Care Bags initially provided care bags to children entering the foster care system. TTT bags were later added to support transient teens in care. The bags are donated to Department of Communities, Child Protection and Family Support Offices across Western Australia and given to young people when they visit their case managers.