Elder K. Brett Nattress of the Seventy and Second Counsellor in the Pacific Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints presided at the Nuku'alofa Tonga Central Stake conference on 9-10 February 2019.
A stake is a group of Latter-day Saint congregations in a city, town, village or neighbourhood. Membership of a stake is usually around 2,000-3,000 people.
Elder Nattress was accompanied at the conference by Elder ‘Aisake K. Tukuafu, Area Seventy.

Among the members and guests in attendance at the conference were Hon ʻAkilisi Pōhiva, Prime Minister of Tonga; Hon Semisi Sika, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Tourism; Hon Dr Tevita Tu’i Uata, Minister of Commerce, Consumer, Trade, Innovation and Labour; as well as other guests from the government and community.
A new president for the Nuku’alofa Tonga Central Stake, Latu T. Moala, was announced during the conference.
He will be supported by two counsellors in the stake presidency, Peau A. Tu’itavake and Semisi U. Kakau. The three local men will provide love, leadership and support to members of the Church in the neighbourhood, as well as those are not members of the Church.
Members of the outgoing stake presidency are Alvin L. Sika, Latu T. Moala and Peau A. Tu’itavake.
Elder Nattress thanked the former presidency for their great faith and service over many years. He expressed confidence that the new leaders were also called of God, and would continue to lift lives and fortify families.
Latter-day Saint leaders such as these Tongan leaders are called to serve for a period of time, usually a few years, and do so as volunteers without pay. They offer their time and talents to serving others in the Church each week, in addition to their full-time employment and family responsibilities.
Sermons during the conference focused on the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, as well as practical ways to strengthen faith and families.
Prime Minister Pōhiva shared that he enjoyed the experience of worshipping with his Latter-day Saint friends and that he gained a deeper understanding of their beliefs.