In response to several news media reports and radio talk-show comments in Tonga recently about FamilySearch's global efforts to digitise and preserve genealogical records, working in partnership with governments and other organisations, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made the following statement today.

The family history records of the Kingdom of Tonga belong to the Kingdom, the government and the people of Tonga. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has offered to the government to digitise the records to help preserve them for generations to come, and to enable Tongans here and overseas to access information about their ancestors if they wish to do so. The Church has provided this digitisation and preservation service, free of charge, to governments around the world. The ownership of the records here would stay in the hands of the Kingdom, the government and the people of Tonga. As is the case in other countries where we offer this service to governments, the Church obeys the laws of the land including national data privacy laws. For more information please come and visit with leaders and members of the Church. We will welcome you warmly and strive to answer any questions you may have.
Elder Aisake Tukuafu
Area Seventy
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Mob: 7863076
Koe lekooti hisitolia fakafamili ‘o e Pule’anga ‘o Tonga koe koloa ia ‘a e Fonua, Pule’anga pea moe kakai ‘o Tonga. Kuo anga’ofa mai ‘a e Siasi ‘o Sisu Kalaisi ‘o e kau Ma’oni’oni Kihe Ngaahi ‘Aho Ki Mui ni, ke tokoni’i ‘a e Pule’anga ki hono fakatolonga fakatekinolosia (digitize) pea tokoni ki hono malu’i kinautolu ke laui to’u tangata, pea fakafaingofua’i ‘a e kakai ‘o e Fonua, ‘i Tonga ni mo mulii, kenau ma’u (access) ki he ngaahi lekooti kau ki ho nau kainga, ‘oka pau tenau fiema’u.
‘Oku fakahoko ‘ehe Siasi ‘a e ngaue malu’i mo fakatolonga fakatekinolosia ni, ki ha fa’ahinga Pule’anga pe ‘i mamani ‘o ‘ikai ‘eke ha totongi.
Koe totonu kotoa ki he ngaahi lekooti ni, oku ‘i he malumalu pe ia ‘o e Fonua, Pule’anga pea moe kakai ‘o Tonga. ‘Oku tatau pe ‘eni moe ngaahi fonua kehe, ‘a ia kuo mau tokoni ke fakahoko ‘a e ngaue ni ki ho nau ngaahi Pule’anga. ‘Oku talangofua kakato ai ‘a e Siasi ki he ngaahi lao ‘o e Fonua, kau ai ‘a e lao ki hono malu’i fakafo’ituitui ‘o e ngaahi lekooti (national data privacy laws).
Fakamolemole, kapau ‘e toe fiema’u ha fakamatala, fetu’utaki mai ki he kau taki Faka-lotofonua ‘o e Siasi. ‘Oku mau talitali loto mafana mo vekeveke ke tali ha fa’ahinga fehu’i pe.
Faka’apa’apa atu,
Elder ‘Aisake Tukuafu
Fitungofulu Fakaelia
Siasi ‘o Sisu Kalaisi ‘o e Kau Ma’oni’oni ‘I he Ngaahi ‘Aho Ki Mui Ni.
Mob: 7863076
FamilySearch is the largest genealogy organization in the world. Since 1894, FamilySearch has worked with archives, libraries, and churches in over 100 countries to facilitate economical access to records that help people find their ancestors.
Every month, over three million people use FamilySearch records, resources, and services to learn more about their family history. These records and services are available online at, or through over 4,600 family history centers in 126 countries, including the renowned Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.
FamilySearch is a service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. FamilySearch’s commitment to helping people connect with their ancestors is rooted in the Latter-day Saint belief that families are meant to be central to our lives and that family relationships are intended to continue beyond this life. Because interest in family history is not limited by culture, ethnicity, or religious faith, FamilySearch’s resources are available to everyone who wants to discover more about their family and their heritage, from church records in Europe to oral histories in Africa.
As a non-profit organization, FamilySearch relies on the support of volunteers throughout the world. These volunteers help index records, provide personal assistance, and share their knowledge about genealogy research.
FamilySearch provides personal assistance for both experienced family historians and those who are just beginning their genealogical journey.
Read more here.