Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worshipped with members and friends of the Church in Hobart, Tasmania on Sunday 21 May. The meeting was a special conference for members and friends of the Church from across Tasmania.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson greets a young boy and his mother in Hobart, Australia. 21 May 2023.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson greets a young boy and his mother in Hobart, Australia. 21 May 2023.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Quoting President Russell M. Nelson he told those in attendance that “the Lord will not abandon His relationship with those who have forged a bond with Him. Those who have made covenants, have a special bond of love and mercy. He will never tire in helping us. We have a special place in His heart and He has high hopes for us.”
Elder Christofferson continued, “Our covenants are truly worth every effort. He will give us all He has. We also have His help now, day by day, hour by hour.”
Elder Christofferson talked about the main roles of a modern-day apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ: “First, we feed the Saviour’s sheep, His lambs. That is the apostles’ commission. We go through all the world to nourish the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ. The seventies and the missionaries help us. They do apostolic work.”
He continued, “Perhaps the most important aspect of being an apostle today is to bear witness of the Saviour. We act in His name; all ordinances are done by virtue of His authority. When I bear witness of the name of Christ, I’m bearing witness that His authority is in this Church. We have the authority. The name of Christ is also associated with His atoning power. No other name is given where salvation can come. Christ’s atonement is complete.”
Speaking further of Jesus Christ, Elder Christofferson said, “Truly He is the Son of God. That’s my witness to you today. The living Redeemer knows you individually. He couldn’t know you better if you were the only child He ever had. If we were to see Him now, we would be surprised how well we know Him. I invoke His blessing upon you, that His spirit will be poured out upon you. This entire island will be blessed by your influence.”
Sister Katherine Christofferson, Elder Christofferson’s wife, also spoke at the conference. In her remarks, she said, "In Matthew 25, the Lord tells us, ‘Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.'”
Sister Katherine Christofferson Hobart Australia 21 May 2023
Sister Katherine Christofferson speaks in Hobart, Australia on 21 May 2023.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.She related great rivers flowing from accounts of Eden in the Old Testament to the ministering service of members of the Church today. “The Lord will help and bless us as we render that service. If we remember we are serving the Lord, even when difficult, He will bless us,” she said.
Elder Peter F. Meurs of the Pacific Area Presidency also spoke at the conference. He talked about the miracle of how well the teachings of President Russell M. Nelson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in the years preceding Covid 19, “prepared us.”
“These included making our homes centres of gospel learning, ministering in a higher and holier way, and increasing our ability to receive personal revelation,” he said. He then talked about the importance of continuing to respond to the April General Conference teachings of President Nelson where he invited all to be peacemakers.
Elder Meurs added, “If we will respond to a prophet of God and eliminate contention in our lives, participate in the sacrament ordinance and remember our covenants we will have God’s spirit to be with us. Then, like the Nephite people after the visit of the resurrected Saviour, we will be able to say there is no contention among us because of the love of God that dwells in our hearts.”
Sister Maxine Meurs accompanied her husband at the conference. She said, “Sometimes our burdens are taken away, but other times there is more the Lord would have us learn. He has the big picture. The reward for keeping covenants is Heavenly power. God might not take away our trials, but He will be with us.”
Hobart Stake President, Tim Jack, said, “Sometimes we may feel that we’re prepared to meet God. If we died today, could we say we’re ready to return to our Heavenly Father? Do you feel that you are ready for that journey?”
Devonport Stake President, Jacob Prebble, said, “The only one who can save is the Lord Jesus Christ. Our family memorized John 14:27. ‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you… let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.’ We see criticism, anger, and hate in the world. We don’t feel that here. I feel peace that comes through Jesus Christ.”
At the conclusion of the conference, Elder Christofferson took time to greet all the children and youth in attendance, one by one.
Katrina Gibbs, a young mother, said, “When Elder Christofferson spoke today, we felt very excited and blessed here in Tasmania. With being a mother and seeing the excitement on my children’s faces, I hope they remember this day forever.”
- Elder-Christofferson-greets-a-mother-and-baby.-Hobart,-Australia.-21-May-2023.
- Elder-and-Sister-Christofferson-greet-young-people-in-Hobart,-Australia.-21-May-2023.
- Attendees-at-a-special-conference-in-Hobart,-Australia-on-21-May-2023.
- Attendees-at-a-special-conference-in-Hobart,-Australia-on-21-May-2023.
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- A-choir-sings-at-a-conference-in-Hobart,-Australia.-21-May-2023.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Another conference attendee, Elissa Thayer, said, “It was incredible to have Elder Christofferson here today, to feel his love for the saints of Tasmania and feel of the Saviour’s love and Heavenly Father’s love for us as individuals and groups of Saints. It was magnificent!”
Riley Bianchi said, “The thing that resonated with me from Elder Christofferson’s talk was the feeling of God’s love for each of us individually and how we can take steps to get closer to Jesus Christ and feel more of His love. And to know that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father love me individually.”
Chelsea Rogers said, “When Elder Christofferson testified of God, I really felt that was true.”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has had members and congregations in Tasmania since the 1850s.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |