© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.A gentle giant is hoping to make waves in the sporting world.
Born and raised just south of Brisbane Brigham Alofipo caught the eye of international talent scouts, leaving him with the toughest decision he has faced.
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Brigham and his family spend their Sunday mornings in church, and the rest of the day together as a family. Spiritual life is important to Brigham, who graduated from seminary (four years of early morning religious education for high school students) and is completing his apprenticeship to be a qualified electrician.
Earlier this year he was chosen to participate in an exclusive American football camp. As only one of 10 players chosen from Queensland (along with 40 others from across Australia), Brigham felt honoured to be included in this group of candidates to be considered for university scholarships.
Enduring through 6-hour training days running drills and perfecting skills, players pushed themselves to their limits in hopes of being offered one of the coveted spots. One talent scout, Coach Ray, approached Brigham specifically about playing at Snow College (a two-year American university preparatory school), and home of the fighting Badgers “gridiron” team.
Although humbled by the opportunity to be considered Brigham thought he should turn down the offer, as he had already decided to serve a two-year full-time mission for his Church. He was Inspired by his cousin, Caleb Timu, who declined contracts from the Brisbane Broncos to serve a mission.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Brigham decided to tell the coaches of his decision but, much to his surprise, Coach Ray was impressed with Brigham’s commitment. He explained that he, too, is a member of the Church and completely understood his concerns. Brigham was offered a place at Snow at the completion of his mission and was encouraged to serve the Lord with all his heart.

Brigham with his missionary companion at the Mission Training Center© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Now as a missionary, Elder Alofipo is sharing his testimony with everyone he meets. He notes that by putting the Lord first everyone can find the courage to pursue all of their goals.
“May we always have the courage to choose to put the Lord first in all our doings,” he said. “I can truly testify that if I didn’t acknowledge the Lord and stand up for my beliefs, I wouldn’t have seen His hand in providing me a way to play football after I serve him.“
“I can testify that if we choose to put the lord first, we can enjoy the blessings of our righteous decisions, both temporally and spiritually, in this life and for all eternity.”
Brigham is currently serving in the Australia Melbourne Mission, and said he was ‘eager and excited’ to serve. He is an inspiration to everyone who knows him, through his faith and dedication to the gospel.