President Steven R. Fox directs the affairs of the Tahiti Papeete Mission. His wife Debbie, a full-time missionary, serves as his companion. He is the spiritual leader to 156 young missionaries and senior missionary couples who have volunteered their time and talents to serve in French Polynesia.
Missionaries serve the communities in which they reside as well as bring the message of Jesus Christ to those they meet.
Of particular importance to a mission president is the assistance given by senior missionary couples. They serve in a variety of ways and add wisdom and stability to the work.
Emile and Bianca Hoffmann of Papeete, Tahiti accepted the invitation to serve a mission. They live in their own home and work each day in the mission office in Papeete.

Elder Emile Hoffmann is the fleet coordinator. He manages the vehicles that are driven throughout the mission. He enjoys the association with the young men and women who serve along-side him.
Sister Hoffmann is the executive secretary to the mission. According to the President, “The office could not run successfully without her. She schedules my appointments, makes my travel plans, handles all paperwork for arriving and departing missionaries, makes sure everything is running smoothly in the mission office, and most importantly, loves our missionaries!”
Because of her past experience working for the government, she is well-qualified to help the missionaries with the documents they need to continue their service in French Polynesia.
It was always the Hoffmanns’ plan to serve a mission when they retired, but when the time came, they were fearful that health issues would disqualify them.
They were pleasantly surprised to discover that they could serve their mission and live in their own home where they could better manage their health.
When asked what blessings she has received from her service, Sister Hoffmann replied, “We have been blessed with our health issues. This missionary badge is the best medicine a senior, retired member can have.”
The Hoffmanns also feel that their family has become closer to the Savior through their service.
The Hoffmanns have just finished 23 months of service in the mission office in their respective duties and after a few weeks off, they will begin another 12-month service mission in the office doing exactly what they are doing now.
The need for senior missionary service is great. President Fox says that he hopes to add 20 senior couples in the coming year. Currently, one couple is expecting their call any day and another has started the paperwork to submit to their Stake President.