The Hon Laisenia Tuitubou, Fiji Minister for Youth and Sports, visited Switzerland last week, representing his country in meetings at the Inter-Parliament Union (IUP) and addressing Young Parliamentarians International. He also took time to meet some local Latter-day Saints.

Gerry Williams and Claudia Williams, a retired couple from the United States who are volunteers for LDS Charities at the United Nations in Geneva, hosted the Minister for a few hours before he flew out of the country, heading for home.
Claudia Williams described Minister Tuitubou as “an impressive, yet humble man of faith.” The couple learned that Mr Tuitubou was baptised a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 2012. He was elected as a Member of Parliament in 2014.
Latter-day Saints are encouraged by Church leaders to obey the law of the land wherever they live, to be educated about issues that face many people, and to be engaged in strengthening individuals, families and communities through volunteer or public service.