News Story

Ministering Gifts of Love from the South Island of New Zealand

Efalumu Kaufana and Mele Fangupo are best friends in Oamaru, August 2024.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Birthday greetings and gifts of “ministering to the one” are being sent from the most southern parts of the South Island in New Zealand to Russell M. Nelson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for his 100th birthday on 9 September 2024. 

In August, multiple meetings of the Church (sacrament meetings) were held on the Sabbath by wards or units (congregations) across the South Island devoted to people sharing about caring, ministering experiences. 

In Oamaru, Efalumu Kaufana memorised her entire talk and invited her best friend, Mele Fangupo, who is not a member of her faith, to attend the meeting.  

Sellina Sa’u attended the meeting and said, “It was very impressive for a young woman to have the courage to invite her friend to attend church today to listen to her talk. What a perfect example of “ministering to the one.” 

Caleb Roa travelled to Queenstown and said, “Even before the meeting began, the spirit was so strong that it felt like we were literally encompassed in the arms of the Lord today.” 

He said, “The first speaker was a primary-aged girl, who was the highlight of the meeting and spoke with purity and joy about what ministering truly is. It was so simple and clear that it impressed upon everyone the whole day! Through the spirit of this young girl’s talk, one of the leaders found answers to his questions of how he should move forward.” 

Teanikumi Piukala described the “very uplifting sacrament meeting in Timaru.” He said, “It was so nice to hear the story of a man, who recently felt the Saviour’s love as he found his way back to the Church.  

"He and his wife sang, ‘How Great Thou Art,’ and the spirit was especially strong as the members of the congregation joined in singing with them.” 

Jonene Tiakia reflected, “Even though the weather wasn’t the best in Dunedin, there was definitely a warm and inviting spirit during sacrament meeting today, when the joy of ministering was felt and expressed by those who are returning to the Church.” 

From Invercargill to Gore to Oamaru, stories were shared of kind, simple acts of service that changed someone’s life.  

Ney Kaufana, from a Tongan language ward, detailed the various speakers, and said, “The messages were very spiritual and inspiring and encouraged us to find the one lost sheep.”    

As a gift of love for his 100th birthday, President Nelson invited people to reach out to “the one” as the Saviour did, referring to the parable of the lost sheep in Matthew 18 and Luke 15 of the Holy Bible. 

Dunedin New Zealand Stake Presidency are with their wives, Sellina Sa'u, Sitiveni Sa'u, President Jason C. Mather, Irene Mather, Danny Leonard, and Julie Leonard in Dunedin, 25 August 2024.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.