Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and other Church leaders arrived in Port-Vila, Vanuatu on Monday afternoon, 21 August.

Elder Stevenson is traveling with Elder Ian S. Ardern, Second Counselor in the Pacific Area Presidency of the Church, and Elder Adolf Johansson, Area Seventy.
Elder Stevenson and his wife, Sister Lesa Stevenson, are visiting Australia, Vanuatu and French Polynesia this month.
At their arrival at the Bauerfield International Airport in Port Vila yesterday afternoon, the visiting leaders were welcomed by Yvon Basil, president of the Port Vila Vanuatu Stake (leader of several church congregations in Port Vila), Paul Granger, president of the Vanuatu Port Vila Mission, and other Church leaders and members.
The visitors were greeted by young Latter-day Saints who conducted a traditional “salusalu” (flower) hanging ceremony.
- Elder Gary E. Stevenson Arrival Vanuatu 21 August 2017
- Young Women Flowers Elder Stevenson Vanuatu 21 August 2017
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
A dancing group composed of Latter-day Saints from the northern Vanuatu province of Torba performed a customary dance for Elder Stevenson and the other visitors.
Elder Stevenson, Elder Ardern and Elder Johansson will make a courtesy visit to the State House today to meet with the President of the Republic of Vanuatu, His Excellency Tallis Obed Moses.
They will then meet the Vanuatu Prime Minister, Honourable Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas.
During his stay in Port Vila, Elder Gary E. Stevenson will speak to youth, young adults and other Vanuatu Latter-day Saints. He will also meet with the full-time missionaries who are serving in the country.
One of the focuses of Elder Stevenson’s visit to the South Pacific this week is to meet members of the Church who are putting into practice principles of education and self-reliance to improve their own lives and strengthen their families.
"Apostle is the highest priesthood office in the Church," states Mormon Newsroom. "Apostles serve for life and are ‘special witnesses’ of Jesus Christ to the world. They fill the highest governing bodies of the Church. Three apostles form the First Presidency. Twelve more make up the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.”
Mormon Newsroom contributor: Jean-Paul Baptiste CALO