Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met with leaders and missionaries from the Church’s Vanuatu Port Vila Mission in a special missionary conference on Tuesday 22 August.

Elder Stevenson was accompanied by his wife, Sister Lesa Stevenson.
Also attending the meeting were Elder Ian S. Ardern, Second Counselor in the Pacific Area Presidency and Elder Adolf Johansson, Area Seventy.
Paul W. Granger is the president of the Vanuatu Port Vila Mission. He and his wife, Sister Gayle Granger, teach and support missionaries serving in Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Solomon Islands. President Granger also oversees the districts of the Church across the mission.
Missionaries from the Church teach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and provide community service in most countries of the world.

Watch a short video that explains more of what Latter-day Saint missionaries do.