Elder O. Vincent Haleck, president of the Pacific Area of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and his wife, Sister Peggy Haleck, met with U.S. Consul General Melanie Higgins and several representatives of churches and faith groups this week.
The gathering, to celebrate World Humanitarian Week, was hosted by the U.S. Consulate in Auckland.
“We enjoyed very much meeting with Consul General Melanie Higgins and our friends in other churches and faith traditions on Wednesday evening,” Elder Haleck said.
“There are great humanitarian needs across the world and here in the Pacific region," he said.
"Working together with governments, other churches and charities, means we can lift more lives, fortify more families and create more compassionate and cohesive communities.”
Elder Haleck added, “We do what we can in the communities of the Pacific, to strengthen people and bring hope, and foster self-reliance—because that is what Jesus Christ taught and did.”
Watch videos about Latter-day Saints and humanitarian service: