In 2020, as the world faced Covid-19 and life changed for us all, Kathryn Brown ─ of the Townsville congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in north-eastern Australia ─ received an invitation from her sister, Jenni Reeves, to participate in a worldwide fast to pray for relief from the pandemic.
Jenni explained that President Russell M. Nelson, global leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints, had issued this invitation, and that she felt prompted to invite her to participate.
Kathryn said, “As a member of the Church but not participating for over 20 years, I had not been involved in anything Church-associated, but I accepted her invitation and fasted for world health. That fast was the key that unlocked my heart and opened my desire to know and learn more.
“Led by spiritual promptings, I started listening to some Tabernacle Choir music on YouTube, and then I sought out the April [general] conference session. I was overwhelmed with the goodness of what I was hearing and wanted to hear more. I listened to every session and speaker of the April conference in 2020. I knew then where I should be and that I wanted to return.”
She continued: “As my husband is not a member of the Church, I needed to know this would be ok with him, as I didn’t want to put any wedges between us.
Gratefully, he was encouraging of my decision and even though he doesn’t wish to participate himself, he has been a wonderful support to me.”
Kathryn was encouraged and supported by local missionary couple, Matthew and Rhonda Glen, who offered their love and eased her way back. “Sister Glen is now a dear friend of mine,” Kathryn said.

Kathryn Brown with Sister Rhonda Glen, missionary and friend© 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Kathryn says she enjoys attending church services in the Townsville 1st Branch in North Queensland.
“I love being part of this small but wonderful branch. I enjoy being with the Saints here. They have helped strengthen and inspire me in so many ways.”
In late 2020, Kathryn’s husband drove for three days so she could attend the Brisbane Australia Temple to be joined together with her parents for eternity.
“What a joyous blessing! What a supportive husband!” she exclaimed.

Kathryn Brown with her sister, Jenni Reeves, at the Adelaide, Australia Temple© 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In 2021 she and her sister attended the Adelaide Australia Temple together for the first time. “Temples do bring families together,” she said.
“All of these blessings have come my way because a loved sister of mine extended the invitation of a prophet to pray and fast for the world. I thank her and I thank the call of our wonderful prophet.”