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- Elder-Jeremy-R.-Jaggi-speaks-to-Kwajalein-Marshall-Islands-Stake
- Elder-Jaggi-and-the-Kwajalein-Stake-Presidency
- Marshall-Islands-kids
- Marshall-Islands-Kwajalein-Stake-Relief-Society-Sisters
- Cake-celebrating-dedication-of-Kwajalein-Marshall-Islands-Stake-Center
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
The dedication of a new religious meetinghouse on Ebeye Island of the Kwajalein Atoll, brought the people of that vast area of the Pacific together in a joyous celebration in the Marshall Islands, Monday 16 October.
The dedication of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints’ new Kwajalein Marshall Islands Stake Centre in Ebeye, brought together over 500 members of the Church and friends, who happily participated in this long-awaited event.
Elder Jeremy R. Jaggi, General Authority Seventy and Second Counselor in the Pacific Area Presidency, presided at the event and offered the dedicatory prayer.
This new meetinghouse will act as a major religious and community centre for the Kwajalein Atoll, a crescent loop of coral reef enclosing an area of 1,125 square miles. One of the world's largest ocean lagoons, the atoll consists of approximately 100 small islands comprising an actual land area of just 5.6 square miles.
Along with Elder Jaggi, Kwajalein Stake President James Jelke joined in the special occasion, along with local Church leaders and guests including paramount Chief of the Land, “Irojlaplap” Michael Kabua.
Elder Jaggi remarked that the spirit of unity and faith in Jesus Christ was “palpable” as he arrived at the dedicatory service with Chief Kabua. Following a traditional Marshallese song by a local women’s choir, President Jelke offered a welcome and opening remarks. Then Chief Kabua spoke about his love of Heavenly Father, “and the joy everyone feels when all of His children gather together.”
In his remarks, Elder Jaggi testified of “the power and joy that comes when we worship together in our chapels.”
“The sacrament table is the primary focus of our worship, even Jesus Christ,” Elder Jaggi said. “I witness that all who come to that sacrament table, repenting joyfully, can prepare and receive a temple recommend to go to the House of the Lord.”
The closest temple for Marshall Islands members of the Church to attend is presently in Laie, Hawaii, USA. A temple has been announced to be built at a future date in Tarawa, Kiribati, which will be a much closer journey for these devoted members, Elder Jaggi noted.
The dedicatory prayer focused on Jesus Christ being the foundation of the Gospel, “He, being the chief cornerstone of all that we are and do,” Elder Jaggi said. “All the structures in the building were blessed to function properly, and that the people who came there would help maintain it and feel the Spirit of the Lord, even an additional measure of peace and happiness.
“The people were also blessed, to have additional protection from the wiles of the adversary,” he continued. “They were also blessed that they would continue to be a community united in their worship of Heavenly Father and the Saviour, Jesus Christ.”