News Story

Auckland's Hidden Heart

In the bustling centre of Auckland, nestled amid the city's busy streets, stands a quiet refuge where young people come to find solace, deepen their faith, and draw closer to Jesus Christ.

The Auckland Institute Building, tucked away near the Auckland University of Technology campus, has become a haven for many seeking peace notwithstanding life's challenges.  

Through heartfelt conversations and meaningful connections, the Institute nurtures spiritual growth and fosters a sense of belonging for both members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

Erana Edwards, the friendly receptionist and administrative assistant at the Institute, warmly welcomes everyone who walks through the doors.  

Erana Edwards' smiling face greets everyone who comes to the Auckland Institute Building.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Not many people know we're here," Edwards said. "You'd only know if you're attending uni. And even then, sometimes, the students who stay on campus pass us by and have no idea." 

Despite its inconspicuous location, the Institute exudes a positive and wholesome environment. Edwards shares stories of people coming in from off the street, being touched by the atmosphere and feeling drawn to the peace that surrounds them.  

"Sometimes, when they walk in, it's like amazement and curiosity.” Edwards said. “It's just all very positive here.” 

The Institute offers a range of activities for young adults, making it an inviting space for all. Throughout the week, young people are welcome to enroll in classes that dive deep into the scriptures, learn about world religions, or help them build powerful life skills by taking self-reliance courses. 

"We've got heaps of activities that friends [not members of the Church] come to as well, like ‘Gospel Korero’ every Friday, where anyone can ask anonymous questions and engage in discussions," Edwards said.  

This friendly and inclusive environment fosters a sense of community, encouraging those who visit to come back and be a part of the uplifting experience.  

Poara WiRepa - Auckland Institute
Poara WiRepa - Auckland Institute
Paora WiRepa is one of a long line of family members who have utilized the services of the Auckland Institute Building during their university studies..© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Paora WiRepa, a recent attendee of the Institute, attests to the building's significance in his life. "This building has got a special spirit to it, and I'm grateful that it's still here," he said.  

WiRepa’s aunt and cousin encouraged him to attend, and it turned out to be a transformative decision.  

"It's good to come back here and re-arm yourself so you can go back out, continue to hold your beliefs, and continue to enjoy learning," he said.

WiRepa shared how, because the Institute created common ground for young people with similar beliefs to gather, it bolstered people’s commitment to their faith as they see other people their age doing the same.  

He said offering a supportive and caring environment, the Institute inspires young people to strengthen their faith and maintain their commitment to Christ. 

Phillip Skeen, the Institute's dedicated director, agreed, and reflected on the many miracles that have unfolded within the Institute's walls. He shared stories of individuals finding their way back to a life of faith, to missionary service, temple worship, marriage, and other positive opportunities.    

"When people come into the building, they feel the love of the Saviour," he said. "It's as if the Saviour is ministering to them one on one." 

One such miracle involves CJ, a young man from East Asia, who found himself at the Institute seeking answers and understanding. Despite not being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, CJ's dedication to learning and growing spiritually has been commendable. 

Auckland Institute Director Phillip Skeen and Senior Volunteer Del Cabe
Auckland Institute Director Phillip Skeen and Senior Volunteer Del Cabe
Auckland Institute Director Phillp Skeen and volunteer Del Cabe teach classes, lead activities and help with the cooking of the food options the institute tries to have available for the hungry students who come to visit.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

“Now CJ is helping those that want to know the truth, too,” Skeen said, acknowledging that those not affiliated with the Church can also experience a profound connection to the Saviour within the Institute's scope of influence. 

Tiraha Hau, another young person benefiting from the Institute, emphasizes its role as a powerful support during difficult times. After experiencing a painful divorce, she found comfort and strength within the Institute community.  

"It's like a great pick-me-up, giving me strength and a better understanding of where I am at," Hau said. "Every time I go, I feel the class is directed at me.”  

“It's like, 'You need to hear this. This is for you.'" 

The Auckland Institute Building stands as a testament to the impact of creating a space for young adults to draw nearer to Jesus Christ and find peace amidst life's trials. By providing an environment of love, acceptance, and meaningful connections, the Institute continues to bless the lives of many, helping them navigate life's challenges and strengthening their faith in the Saviour. 

Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.