The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Welcomes Announcement of 2034 Winter Olympics

From Newsroom (Salt Lake City) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints extends its heartfelt congratulations to Salt Lake City on securing the bid to host the 2034 Winter Olympics.

Building Faith and a Future in Papua New Guinea

From Papua New Guinea Newsroom Representatives of the BYU-Pathway Worldwide education program came to Papua New Guinea on 20-21 July to help young adults in PNG further their education.  The response was remarkable.

Pacific Pioneers

From New Zealand Newsroom Every July, members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah, USA, and other locations, celebrate Pioneer Day (24 July). 

Individuals Living and Working Overseas for a Season Invited to Online Devotional 

From New Zealand Newsroom The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invites members and friends of the Church who are working as seasonal workers, away from home, to an online devotional on 28 July. Guest speakers will be Elder John Higgins and Sister Rita Peteru. More details follow.

Focusing on Improving Eye Care in the South Pacific

From New Zealand Newsroom A collaboration between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a New Zealand-based foundation will result in improving eye care in the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities across the South Pacific region.

New Leader Called for Port Vila Vanuatu Stake

From New Zealand Newsroom

Elder Craig Raeside Joins with Other South Australian Community Leaders to Celebrate NAIDOC Week

From Australia Newsroom Elder Craig Raeside, Area Seventy (regional leader) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, attended a community event hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association at Adelaide’s Mahmood Mosque on Sunday 7 July in honour of NAIDOC week.

VIDEO: Elder Peter F. Meurs Reflects on Recent Visit to Tonga

From New Zealand Newsroom In this new video, Elder Peter F. Meurs, Pacific Area President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, talks about meeting with the Tongan Prime Minister last week and how members of the Church in the Pacific Island nation are blessing communities.

A Fijian Story of Faith, Family and Service

From New Zealand Newsroom Fei Ucunibaravi was 38 years old when her husband, Vilisi Ucunibaravi, passed away. Her eldest of six children was age 12 at the time. Her youngest was just two.

Queensland Saints Celebrate Rich History

From Australia Newsroom Members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Queensland, Australia are invited to a special event at 3pm on 24 August at the faith’s Cleveland meetinghouse in Brisbane’s east.