Young members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea and the island nations and territories of the South Pacific are invited to a special "Face to Face" online event at 4pm on 12 September (USA Mountain Daylight Time).
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Sister Susan Bednar will be the featured guests at a Face to Face for young adults on September 12, 2021, titled “Ask, Seek, Knock.”
View the broadcast on Sunday, September 12, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. mountain daylight time on the Church satellite system,, YouTube, Latter-day Saints Channel and other digital channels.
All young adults, whether single or married, are invited to participate. Full-time missionaries are also invited to attend and to bring those they are teaching when possible. All ages and demographics are welcome. Local leaders are encouraged to determine a viewing date and time that best serves the young adults in their area.
Prior to the event, young adults may submit questions on the event page on
Young people in the South Pacific may choose to watch the event a week later (Sunday 19 September) on Pacific Area channels or the Church's Pacific Facebook page.
Read more at the global Newsroom, courtesy of