Two great organizations for women in French Polynesia got together recently to celebrate their 40 year-long collaboration. The Women’s Council of French Polynesia was formed in 1982 and the women’s organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints called the Relief Society, was a founding member.
This collaboration was recently celebrated at a meeting in Pape’ete between the two groups. It was organized by Marie-Jeanne Marcillac and Miresa Buchin, who represent the Church on the council, and Chantal Galenon the president of the Women’s Council. The leaders of each of the Relief Society groups in the nine stakes situated in Tahiti, French Polynesia were invited to attend. (A stake is a group of congregations.) This was the first time all of these women had met together.
- Chantal-Galenon,-President-of-the-French-Polynesian-Women's-Council,-speaks-to-stake-Relief-Society-presidents-of-Tahiti-about-a-new-women's-centre,-the-Pu-o-te-Hine-Here.-Elder-Frederic-T-Riemer-(left)-and-Miresa-Buchin-(right),-a-Church-representative-on-the-women's-council.-February-2022
- Vairia-Teriitemoehaa-represents-the--Punaauia-Tahiti-Stake-at-a-meeting-with-the-French-Polynesian-Woman's-Council-and-the-Relief-Society-Presidents.--February-2022
- Elder-Riemer-speaks-at-the-meeting-with-the-French-Polynesian-Women's-Council-and-Relief-Society-presidents-in-Tahiti.-Marie-Jeanne-Marcillac,-a-Church-representative-on-the-council-(left)-and-Chantal-Galenon,-council-president-(right).
- Group-shot-of-representatives-from-the-French-Polynesian-Women's-Council-and-Relief-Society-presidents-and-councilors-in-Tahiti-and-Elder-Frederic-T-Riemer-(center),-who-work-together-to-serve-women-in-their-community.-February-2022
- Relief-Society-women-in-Tahiti-design-and-make-objects-that-will-be-offered-as-donations-to-the-French-Polynesian-Women's-Council.--February-2022
- Relief-Society-women-in-Tahiti-design-and-make-objects-made-of-shells-that-will-be-offered-as-donations-to-the-French-Polynesian-Women's-Council.--February-2022
- Hand-painted-cups-and-saucers-made-by-the-women-of-the-Relief-Society-to-donate-to-the-French-Polynesian-Women's-Council-for-a-sale-benefitting-the-new-women's-centre.-February-2022
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Presentations were given by each of the Relief Society presidents who talked about the challenges facing women and the outreach being done in each of their regions.
Madame Galenon was presented with a copy of the book Daughters in my Kingdom and said, “I am touched by this gift because I am convinced that as girls and women we have been endowed to save our country because we have this maturity. You are the pillars of our families. You are the ones raising the children.”
“I have a lot of admiration for all that you do, as sisters of the Church, because you always do it with heart and love.”
She then presented the council’s plans for a new project called Pu o te Hine Here, which will be the first ever French Polynesian women's headquarters. She recounted how she prayed and fasted for three days to receive the inspiration for the project.
The new project will include more rooms for the existing Pu O Te Hau women’s shelter combined with new facilities for education and training.
“This centre exists thanks to the faith and the prayers of many women, not only mine. It aims at being a women’s refuge where they will find not only security but a place where they can be informed, educated and inspired. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this idea you gave us.”
Chantal continued speaking to the audience, “I need you in this training centre because you have a lot of lessons to teach us for the sake of our French Polynesian society. It will be a center for the exchange of intergenerational knowledge between women of different status, generations and background.”

Decorative objects inspired by traditional art made by women of the Relief Society will be donated to the French Polynesian Women's Council to contribute to their project and celebrate International Women’s Day. February 20222022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.This year also marks the 180th year since the founding of the Relief Society. In recognition of that, the presidencies then announced their plans to contribute to the project, and to celebrate International Women’s Day by making decorative objects that will be donated to the women's council for sale.
Also in attendance was Elder Frederic Riemer, Area Seventy (regional leader) in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“Without women, the Church would be nothing,” he told the group. “You are the first to give, to serve, to act. I thank you for your continuous faith to contribute to this beautiful project of the Polynesian Women’s Centre. I encourage you to continue to serve in the community.”