Earlier this month, a group of teenagers gathered at dawn to sing, pray, and share their feelings about their Heavenly Father and their Saviour, Jesus Christ.
It was a beautiful early morning, with the sun slowly rising above the horizon.
Perhaps you cannot be further away from the hustle and bustle of the world than the island nation of Kiribati, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. And on this morning, those in attendance at this gathering might have argued that you could not be closer to heaven.
The sunrise was a perfect metaphor for the rising generation of Kiribati youth, with their bright smiles and eager voices. Many of those assembled shared their testimonies of the reality of God, of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and of the peace and hope that these truths bring to them.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Elder Jeremy R. Jaggi, of the Pacific Area Presidency of the Church, and his wife, Sister Amy Jaggi, were there too. They were accompanied by Sister Andrea Spannaus of the Church’s General Young Women Presidency, and her husband, Brother Alin Spannaus.
Elder Jaggi encouraged the youth to prepare for the construction of the temple in their homeland. He urged them to stay on God’s covenant path, to pray, to search the scriptures, to serve their families and communities, and as missionaries.
The Church leader promised the students that their life will be changed, and that God will help them, as they strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ.
He assured them that they and their families will be blessed with peace, joy and many other blessings as they stayed on God’s covenant path and served the Lord with all their hearts.
Quoting President Russell M. Nelson, Sister Spannaus spoke about the greatest work on earth – the Gathering of Israel.
“My dear extraordinary youth, you were sent to earth at this precise time—this most crucial time in the history of the world—to help gather Israel. There is nothing happening on this earth right now that is more important than that. … This is the mission for which you were sent to earth.”
Spannaus said that the Lord promises abundant blessings to us as we follow His Son and participate in the gathering of Israel. “God will protect, comfort, and heal us; and He will never leave us,” she said.
14-year-old Lachlan, said, “I felt so special because I heard wonderful messages delivered by servants of the Lord telling me that as I trust in the Lord and walk on the covenant path, I will not be alone. I will receive great blessings and my life will be better. My faith has been nourished tonight and because of that, my mind tells me to be prepared for the future so I can serve my mission and forever be a disciple of Jesus Christ and endure to the end with my future family. I can do that by attending sacrament every Sunday, say my personal prayers always, keep the commandments, and make sacred covenants in the House of the Lord.”

Elder Jeremy R, Jaggi and other Church leaders meet with His Excellency President Taneti Maamau. September 2023.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Earlier in the week, Elder and Sister Jaggi, and Sister and Brother Spannaus, accompanied by local Church leader, Elder Iotua Tune, met with Kiribati President H.E. Taneti Maamau, and other senior leaders in the Kiribati Government.
The Church of Jesus Christ is building a temple in Kiribati. Members of the Church there, young, and old, are grateful they are remembered by the Lord, and His Church.