When Ned and Linda Smith left Utah to serve a senior mission in Australia, they knew their family would be blessed.
What they did not know was that there would be a time when they would long to be home with their grandson, Joseph, who would undergo open heart surgery in their absence.

Elder Ned Smith with his grandson, Joseph© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.At Joseph’s birth eight years ago, his mother Carrie Nae Alba recalls, “I experienced love at first sight. A warm feeling went through my body from my head to my toes. A few moments went by, and my feelings of joy and relief shifted to worry. I knew something was wrong as the doctor kept listening to my baby’s heart then ran out of the delivery room.”
Joseph was life flighted to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City where two congenital heart defects were discovered: Coarctation of the Aorta and Ebstein’s Anomaly. Joseph’s aorta was repaired when he was five days old. The family kept a close eye on the other defect while he was treated as a typical child.
“He grew and delighted us all with his sweet spirit,” Carrie says. “I called him ‘My Sunshine Boy,’ because he radiated light.”
About two years ago, his heart started to give small hints that the Ebstein’s was beginning to worsen, and on 5 June of this year, Joseph went into surgery to address the leaky valve.
Sister Linda Smith says, “Normally Grandpa and I would have been there to watch and take care of the other four children while Carrie and Brian were at the hospital with Joseph. This is what grandparents do, right? However, we both knew we wouldn’t be worth diddly squat after flying for 20 hours, and that’s if we could get a flight. This was heart wrenching. We knew the only way we could help was to get as many prayers ascending to heaven as possible.”
“When we told President and Sister Thomas about Joseph, they immediately sent word to over 200 missionaries to fast and pray for our grandson,” she said. “Elder smith videoed our Zone missionaries as they each encouraged Joseph and told him they were fasting and praying for him. This royal army of missionary prayers brought us exceeding peace and comfort. Our daughter said she could physically feel the warmth of the prayers being said on her family’s behalf.”
Joseph had faith those prayers would be answered.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
The predicted seven-hour surgery was finished in three and a half hours. A miracle. Post-surgery complications proved stressful for the family, but his follow-up visit showed that Joseph was doing remarkably well.
On the way home, Joseph offered a prayer of gratitude: “Heavenly Father, thank you for all the missionaries and everyone else who prayed for me and help them to know that they can go through hard things too.”
His grandfather, Elder Ned Smith, says, “This event in Joseph’s life helped me realize once again, our Heavenly Father’s love and tender mercies. I am thankful for Joseph’s faith and trust in God. Blessings are all around us.”
“I know that prayer is real,” Carrie testifies. “God is good and has once again let my boy stay here with me. I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers. I know that the effort to pray and fast and act with faith, combined with giving our will to God brings forth His miracles. I testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. He lives!”
The Smith’s know that their family has been blessed by their missionary service in Melbourne. They know that prayers are answered. And they know how inspiring the faith of a child can be.