Members of the Temple View community will gather on Friday, 16 November 2012, to discuss ongoing plans for developing property owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint in the Hamilton suburb. Around 250 people attended an earlier community open day held in July 2012.
Temple View is so named due to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ temple situated there, which opened in 1958. One of the building’s distinguishing features was that it was constructed by New Zealand labour missionaries.
Some of the labour missionaries who volunteered for several months, and in some cases several years to build the temple and other Church facilities, will attend the community open day.
According to Owen Purcell, President of the New Zealand Labour Missionaries Association Charitable Trust,“the temple is a very sacred building, and its environs need to be respected and kept holy for the Lord, and for those who live here and visit here. ”
“Labour missionaries did what they did because they wanted to build personal faith, build strong families, build unity, and build the Church,” he said. “Moving forward, the building of community understanding and spirit that we are a part of, as plans and projects are being developed, will bless current and future generations.”
Bishop Dean M. Davies, a member of the Church’s Presiding Bishopric, will attend the community open day, as will local Latter-day Saint leaders and members of the Temple View Properties Project team.
“We are looking forward to coming together again to talk about where we are headed, to answer questions people may have, and to listen to feedback that community members will share with us,” said Kent Money, who is the project leader.
The community open day will take place between 3.00pm and 6.00pm on Friday 16 November, in the Matthew Cowley Administration Building. Following the open day, a community meeting will be held from 6.00pm to 7.00pm at the Latter-day Saints’ Foster Road, Temple View Meetinghouse. All are welcome to attend both the open day and community meeting.
Read the latest community newsletter about the Temple View Properties Project here.