News Release

Senior Missionaries Encouraged to Lift Lives Across the South Pacific Through Service

During the first of their kind virtual devotionals on Sunday evening 29 October, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Australia and New Zealand learned about the impact for good of senior missionary service.

Many people around the world are familiar with young missionaries from the Church, with their clean-cut looks, happy smiles, and willingness to lend a hand in communities.

Less well-known are the thousands of more mature people serving as senior missionaries. They bring their experience and expertise into volunteer assignments, including dental and medical, humanitarian, and educational missions.

On Sunday evening over 1500 current and prospective missionaries heard from Church leader Elder Jeremy R. Jaggi, of the Pacific Area Presidency, and others about how senior missionaries are lifting lives across the South Pacific and beyond.

Elder Jaggi, a General Authority Seventy for the Church, announced a goal of 300 new full-time senior missionaries serving from Australia and New Zealand by 1 April 2024. He also announced a goal of 100 new senior service missionaries, which are missionaries who typically serve in their own community and live in their own homes.

Elder Jaggi explained how a new pilot programme in the Pacific Area is making it possible for more senior members (40-years-old+) to have this opportunity than ever. Before 1 September, the typical cost for an Australian or New Zealand senior missionary or couple serving in the Pacific islands or other parts of the world was $3400 US-- about $5000 AUS and NZD per month.

Under this pilot programme, the monthly housing cost for Australians will be $1200 AUS plus additional expenses for food, other household expenses and transportation, about $700 AUS. For New Zealanders the housing expense is $1000 NZD plus an estimated $600 for the additional expenses.

Elder Wayne Maurer, an area leader for the Church remembered as a young boy in Australia, the “faith, sacrifice, and stretching” of his parents and grandparents so chapels and meetinghouses could be built in that land. Their dedication brought a great spiritual strength to his country for generations to come.

“Today the need is just as urgent . . . Today, our sacrifice is time,” he said. “We want to share an invitation to prepare, start planning, and set goals to serve a senior mission, even a second and third time.”

Elder and Sister Webster, who are serving their third mission as Senior Mission Coordinators for New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania in Australia, have experienced many miracles, tender mercies, and faith-promoting experiences through their missionary service.

“As mission leaders in Ghana, we saw miracle after miracle being in the right place at the right time,” he said. “Senior missionaries were our greatest heavenly blessing. I’m not sure how we would have survived without them. We love them dearly for their service.”

Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has encouraged senior Church members to “get on their knees and ask Heavenly Father if the time is right for them to serve a mission.” Of all the qualifications needed, he said “a desire to serve may be the most important.”

Elder Ronald A. Rasband, of The Church’s Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, affirmed President Nelson’s statement in his own address in the October 2023 General Conference, where he also promised, “As you serve, you will feel the love of the Lord in your life, you will know Him, He will know you, and “how great shall be your joy.”

“Your dedicated service to Jesus Christ will inspire and bless your family, your grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. ‘Peace, and love [will] be multiplied’ in their lives for years to come,” Elder Rasband said, referencing Jude 1:2.

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