News Release

Senior Members of the Church Invited to Serve as Missionaries

Upcoming virtual devotionals will provide information to prospective senior missionaries

Senior couples and singles (aged 40+) from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout Australia and New Zealand are invited to participate in a devotional with Elder Jeremy R. Jaggi, General Authority Seventy and Second Counsellor in the Pacific Area Presidency of The Church, to be held on Sunday 29 October 2023. This devotional will be about senior and service missionary opportunities.


This online devotional, featuring Elder Jaggi and others, will be held via a zoom seminar. Elder Jaggi, who served as a mission leader in the Ogden Utah Mission for the Church from 2015 to 2018, will discuss senior and service mission opportunities, the important role they play, and answer frequently asked questions about them.

“We sincerely hope that as the senior couples and single members consider the many opportunities to serve, and have important questions answered in this devotional, they will feel inspired and more inclined to accept invitations from their bishops and other local leaders to serve as senior missionaries,” said Elder Peter F. Meurs, General Authority Seventy and President of the Church’s Pacific Area.

The devotional will be held in New Zealand beginning at 8 p.m. NZDT. On 29 October, New Zealand’s senior members can click HERE to participate.

The devotional in Australia will be held according to the following schedule: Adelaide, at 6.30 p.m. ACDT; in Brisbane, 6 p.m. AEDT; in Melbourne and Sydney, 7 p.m. ATDT; and in Perth, 4 p.m. AWDT. The link to participate in Australia on 29 October will be found by clicking HERE.

For those who lack the technology or are otherwise unable to view the broadcast in their own homes, local congregational leaders will arrange for a meeting space in stake centres, to ensure all senior members can participate.

“It is our goal as the Pacific Area Presidency that every stake will identify at least one couple or single member to accept a call to serve a senior mission by April Conference 2024,” Elder Meurs said. “We plan to follow this devotional with additional ones to help inspire all senior couples to consider this wonderful opportunity to serve others.”

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