The Paniora family is excited for a second temple to be built in Brisbane© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.To accommodate membership growth in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Queensland, Australia, a second temple in the greater Brisbane area was announced this week.
Many Church members responded with joy to the news.
Queensland resident, Tiarne Paniora, said, “We are absolutely thrilled and deeply moved by the announcement of the Brisbane South Area temple being built. It’s a testament to the growth and strength of our gospel and we can’t wait to see the blessings it’ll bring to so many lives.”
Kristie Gibson, who was in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA when the announcement was made, said, “I was sitting in general conference this afternoon with my mum and sister when President Nelson announced the Brisbane south temple. We just turned and stared at each other and couldn’t believe our ears! Another temple in Brisbane! We felt so overwhelmed and blessed that such a thing would happen for us.”
She continued, “At the end of the session, the young couple before me asked if I was from Brisbane and I excitedly told them yes, that I was from Brisbane and that was our city that just had a new temple announced. I feel so grateful that the strengthening power of the temple will be accessible to even more saints in Queensland.”

Kathryn Gibson and Kristie Gibson learned of the new Brisbane Temple while attending General Conference in Salt Lake City © 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Brisbane is the capital of the Australian state of Queensland, located in the northeastern part of the country, with a population of approximately 2.2 million.
It will be the second temple in Brisbane, following the dedication of the Brisbane Australia Temple in June 2003, and the sixth in the country. Other temples are the Adelaide Australia Temple, Melbourne Australia Temple, Perth Australia Temple and Sydney Australia Temple.
The first congregation was organized in Australia in 1844, followed by a mission created in 1851.
Today, there are more than 155,000 Church members in more than 300 congregations in the country.
Elder Wayne Maurer, a regional leader in the Church of Jesus Christ, said, “What a fantastic surprise to hear of a second temple in the greater Brisbane area! This brings great responsibility to continue ensuring the temple remains our focus. If we follow President Nelson’s advice, we will be in the temple as often as circumstances permit. I am so glad members of the greater Brisbane area will be able to extend their time in the temple!”
Read the entire list of new temples announced and more information about them here.