Hon. Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi, Prime Minister of the Independent State of Samoa, addressed an audience of youth and young adults of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Pesega, Apia on Sunday evening, 26 November 2017.
The following are English translations of some of his remarks which were delivered in the Samoan language:
“Thank you for inviting me to speak at your gathering today.”
“It is a feeling of gratitude that any Government leader would get to see that churches in Samoa are strong in organizing and teaching young people to live in an environment of closeness and togetherness, harmony and happiness, and cooperate in all that they do. Perhaps this is a characteristic of paradise in heaven that prophets of the Lord have spoken about. No one wishes to live in an environment of hostility, contention, jealousy and negativity.”
“From the Government's point of view, it is very joyful news when gatherings such as yours are held regularly in churches to help young people share with each other to assist them to remain firm in church teachings and live in happy families in harmony and peace. Such young people will attract God's guidance and blessings through education, knowledge and understanding, wisdom and even economic success.”
“You should remember that if we ask God, He will answer our our prayers. Just like God answered King Solomon's prayers that he be given wisdom to be able to govern Israel well. That is why we always hear the saying, ‘If God is not present in the building of a house or in any undertaking, those working will work in vain.’”
“Let us not rely on our own knowledge and understanding. We should pray in faith for blessings we need. When facing serious problems and you feel hopeless, kneel and pray for God's help. When your limited knowledge and understanding ends, that is God's time. And He will carry you and your burdens in your times of need. But you must believe in God and have faith that He will answer your prayers. Before you pray, God already knows what is in your heart.”
“You should love God. If you love God, you will also love your neighbour and do good to others and help those in need.”
“What other lessons should we learn? Let us obey and do the will of God. What is God's will? Keep His commandments. Especially His commandment to love one another. Apostle Paul said that there are three main things important in a person's life—Faith, Hope, and Charity. But the most important of these is Love. We do not see Love walking like a person because it has no body. We give Love a body through our good works. It is similar to the saying, ‘Faith without works is dead.’”
“The numerous good works your church does is the body of Love and it's ultimate expression, and your church truly lives the commandment to love thy neighbour as thy self. I know your church will continue its good work not only in Samoa but worldwide. I have been Prime Minister of Samoa for 20 years now and I cannot count the many, many assistances your church has given to Samoa's people and Government. I was invited by President Gordon B. Hinckley to visit your Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City in Utah some years ago, and when visiting your church's humanitarian aid facilities, I saw many huge boxes of humanitarian aid already packed and labelled and ready for donating to my Catholic Church's Humanitarian Aid Services, an eye opener for me. So on behalf of our Government and people, I want to express the gratitude and appreciation of our Government and our people to your church and its leaders and members, for their invaluable ongoing assistance to Samoa. Your Island Christmas Lights Programme assists our Government in providing for that need of our people, and Government is grateful. Government is also grateful for the many times your church cleans our capital town Apia and the various premises used for our country's Independence Celebrations yearly, to name just another few contributions.”
“Finally, it is important to live by the principles and the teachings one preaches. Let us not be like those who are good in preaching but do not live by what they preach.”
“Have a successful devotional.”
Newsroom contributor: George Tupuola Hunt