Ths Easter season members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their friends gathered in American Samoa, Samoa and French Polynesia to watch and participate in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square's latest rendition of Handel's Messiah.
This is the third biennial Messiah performance by the Choir and Orchestra (previously in 2014 and 2016). With each of the previous events, the Choir received a global response. The 2016 concert had over 43,000 views and was watched for over 20,000 hours in 95 countries. Knowing the appeal of Messiah, the Choir again made this global opportunity available.
This tradition continues to be a wonderful way to celebrate the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ with people all over the world.
In American Samoa, Michael Lavea, President of the Aua Stake commented, "It's wonderful music ... and we don't get that much exposure to this kind of music often, so it was a wonderful concert to watch."
An estimated 300 members and friends in Samoa Apia Stake attended and sang along with the Messiah performance.
Anthony Unasa, who begins missionary service to Cote d’ Ivoire, Africa on June 7, said, “I came to the performance because I was invited by the Spirit of the Lord.”
People of all ages came together in Papeete, French Polynesia on Sunday 25 March to listen to and sing along with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square's performance of Handel's Messiah.
As a speaker of the French and Tahitian languages, Kathy Brodien added, "I couldn’t understand the [English] words but I felt love and the spirit."
For More on Messiah Sing in the Pacific, please click on the following links.