Pacific Area Organisation Advisers travelled to Church headquarters, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA this month, to participate in General Conference and inspiring leadership councils focused on teaching and leading like the Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The Pacific Area Presidency and Area Organisation Leaders at Church Headquarters, Salt Lake City, Utah in April 2023. Pictured from left to right: Sister Kelela TongaTonga; Sister Mary TeaaKiribati; Elder Taniela B. Wakolo, Sister Cyndee HamiltonAustralia; Elder Peter F. Meurs, Sister Fredda SorensenNew Zealand; Elder Brett K. Nattress, Sister Kim SmithNew Zealand; Sister Fei UcunibaraviFiji; Sister Danielle TuairauFrench Polynesia; Sister Karen MaurerAustralia; Sister Auomala Fulumu'aSamoa; and Sister Cheryl Vila¬Marshall Islands (not pictured) did not attend. Auomala Fulumu'aSamoa; and Cheryl Vila¬Marshall Islands (not pictured) did not attend. 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Latter-day Saint women are called as Area Organisation Advisers to support leaders of the Relief Society, Young Women and Primary organisations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in areas where they reside around the world.
“It was such a joy to be with such faith-filled women who radiate goodness and personal righteousness,” Sister Sorenson said of her experience. “Their love for the Saviour is evident in all that they do and say.”
The advisers from the Pacific met with others from around the world as well as Church General Presidencies and advisory board members from the Church’s Relief Society, Young Women and Primary organisations.
Sorenson expressed her love and appreciation for Relief Society General President, Sister Camille Johnson.
“I am just an ordinary woman blessed with an extraordinary experience,” Sister Johnson responded,
These words resonated with Sister Sorenson, “I certainly feel that way too,” she noted.
She added, “It is remarkable what the Lord can accomplish with ordinary women as we allow Him to be the ‘author and finisher of our faith’” (Hebrew 12:2).
Sister Sorenson was one of the first women in the Pacific Area to receive an invitation to serve as an Area Organisation Adviser. The April 2023 gathering is the first time the women have come together in person.
They counselled together with the Pacific Area Presidency, Elder K. Brett Nattress, Elder Peter F. Meurs and Elder Taniela B. Wakolo.
Sister Sorenson was grateful for the genuine “love and concern” the Area Presidency have for the spiritual and temporal well-being of the women of the Church.
The Pacific Area Organisation Advisers attended General Conference. Sister Sorenson described it as “a spiritual feast where revelation is received, where faith is strengthened, and where the Spirit’s refining influence is felt in abundance.”
Sister Sorenson enjoyed watching the personal interactions of the Church leaders, for example, the hugs and hand holding as the new Young Women presidency joined fellow-sisters on the stand and likewise when new members of the Seventy took their places on the stand.
“There is a feeling of brother and sisterhood, of love, and a real thrill for those newly called,” she said.
On the final day of their visit, the advisers counselled with and learned from General Presidencies and advisory board members of the Primary, Young Women and Relief Society.
“What a remarkable experience to sit and be taught by these wonderful women and be given direction as to what to teach the stake and district leaders in our country,” said Sister Sorenson.
"I felt the love of God being modeled through the Church General Presidencies and advisory board members. We felt unity and bonded with each other as we mingled and interacted together," said Sister Fei Ucunibaravi, Area Organization Adviosr from Fiji.
“Women of faith are also women of integrity and humility. Their service supports and inspires generations for life on God’s covenant path," said Sister Mary Teea, Area Organization Adviser from Kiribati.

Area Organization Advisors in Salt Lake City, Utah
Area Organization Advisors meet with Church General Presidencies and Advisory Board in Salt Lake City, Utah in April 2023.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In the coming months, Pacific area organisation advisors will have an opportunity to gather in several multi-stake events to share what they have learned with stake and district presidencies and organisation leaders.
“We continue to rejoice in the work of our Area Organisation Advisors,” Elder Peter F. Meurs of the Pacific Area Presidency said.
“They meet with and minister to the stake and district Relief Society, Young Women’s and Primary organisation leaders. They help them understand the sacred role they have to support ward and branch leaders and they connect them with resources, teaching and current practices for Relief Society, Young Women’s and Primary.”
Elder Meurs added, “These faithful advisers are evidence that the Restoration of the Lord’s Church continues. They love the sisters and support the Saviour’s work of salvation. They provide most valuable counsel to the Area Presidency, and stake and district presidencies throughout the Pacific Area.”