The rededication of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple on Sunday, 16th October 2022, was a sacred and special event for the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in New Caledonia.
Youth gather for the broadcast of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple Rededication in New Caledonia on Sunday, 16 November 2022.2022 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The Hamilton New Zealand Temple is the temple for New Caledonia too. There is no temple in New Caledonia. Prior to the temple closure in 2018, many New Caledonian Latter-day Saints travelled to New Zealand every year in January to worship in the temple and receive sacred ordinances pertaining to salvation for themselves and their families.
The three rededication sessions were broadcast live to the Noumea New Caledonia Church building, where Latter-day Saints gathered and participated.
Missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints arrive to participate in the rededication of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple, which was broadcast live, in New Caledonia, on Sunday, 16 November 2022.2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.There was a joyful atmosphere and reverence in the chapel, according to national communication director, Barbara Ungerer. “We could feel the Spirit of God as we participated.”
The Haumani family attend the live broadcast of the rededication of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple, in New Caledonia on Sunday, 16 November 2022.2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Tevai Haumani attended with his family. He said: “I am so grateful for the technology that allowed so many Latter-day Saints in New Caledonia to be a part of this event.”
He continued, “I felt deeply, during these three sessions, that it is God’s will to build His houses closer to His people.”
Stephanie Haumani said that she felt love and peace as the Church’s President, Russell M. Nelson, spoke. She said, “The covenants I’ve made with the Lord in the temple give me strength and an eternal perspective in my service to my family, to the Church and to my community.”
9-year-old Emma Haumani put her beautiful baptism dress on for this special day. She was so happy to be there with her parents. She held her temple recommend close to her heart.
Emma said, “I learned from the scriptures during my preparation that there are two kinds of people. Those who are working hard to go to the temple and those who are passively waiting. I want to be the first one.”
Georgie and Rachel Guidi were deeply touched by the love they felt as they listened to the talks given during the rededication broadcast. They said they felt a special connection to the people who worked to build the temple in the 1950’s and also to the present time.
The Guidi family attend the live broadcast of the rededication of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple, in New Caledonia on Sunday, 16 November 2022.2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.A temple recommend permits Latter-day Saints to enter into temples. During the rededication, selected Church buildings were authorised as an extension of the temple.
A temple recommend permits Latter-day Saints to enter into temples. During the rededication of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple, selected Church buildings in the Pacific, including in Noumea, New Caledonia, were authorised as an extension of the temple, so that people could participate.2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In preparation for the temple rededication broadcast, members gathered to carefully clean the Noumea Church building.
New Caledonia Latter-day Saints have made many sacrifices to fund their annual temple trip. It has been a great joy to them. It has strengthened their faith and determination to live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and follow Him.