Public Issue

National Interfaith Forum Hosted by Wellington Interfaith Council

The 12th National Interfaith Forum was hosted recently by the Wellington Interfaith Council (WIFC) in Wellington New Zealand.

"We are the World" was the theme selected for the forum this year which was held at the New Zealand National Library and at Parliament.

It was the goal of WIFC that all participants would come to understand that our different faith traditions inform, inspire and unite us, and as we encounter different people and ideas our understanding is enriched.

Peace among the people of the world as an ultimate destiny was the stated ambition of the forum.

The Wellington Interfaith Council is a voluntary association of people who represent diverse religions and faiths in the greater Welllington region.


Mere Fiore, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and executive secretary for WIFC, said, "Anyone interested in supporting and promoting multi-faith harmony is welcome to become a member of the WIFC."

She continued, "The work of WIFC is to foster mutual appreciation, coordinate activities that promote good relations, and to act in an advisory and consultative capacity to the community at large."

"We are thrilled to have been able to host a successful national event. The feedback has been very positive."

Muhammed Haniff Abdul Razak, Multi-faith Multicultural Centre/Pure Land Learning College Association, Inc. commented, "On behalf of the Australian team, thank you so much for being so kind and generous to us. We felt so much at home and the hospitality shown made us feel so much like being in an extended family reunion−thank you."

Colin MacLeod, Chair New Zealand Catholic Bishops' Committee for Interfaith Relations, felt it was a "wonderful gathering" and congratulated all involved.

Watch a short video on the power of service to others.

Mormons believe that much good can be accomplished by meeting together, learning about each other's beliefs, and serving in the community with other faith groups.

Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.