Leaders from the Ngaati Maahanga iwi, whose ancestral lands include Tuhikaramea (Temple View), near Hamilton, New Zealand, joined with representatives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Classic Builders on Monday 2 November for an early morning service in Temple View, Hamilton at which a blessing was offered in te reo Māori to mark the commencement of the Hapori Park at Temple View residential subdivision development.

Leaders from the Ngāti Mahanga Iwi in Waikato, Aotearoa (Hamilton, New Zealand) and Steven Peterson, Director for Temporal Affairs in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Pacific Area participate in a service in Temple View, New Zealand. 2 November 2020.
Leaders from the Ngaati Maahanga Iwi in Waikato, Aotearoa (Hamilton, New Zealand) and Steven Peterson, Director for Temporal Affairs in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Pacific Area, participate in a service in Temple View, New Zealand. 2 November 2020.© 2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
Atutahi Riki, from Ngaati Maahanga, shared in remarks before the blessing, “We are one. On the earth, in the earth, and for the earth. We are one.”
In the blessing he offered ─ after sod was turned on the site for the first of 22 new houses which will be built close by to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Mendenhall Library and David O. McKay Stake and Cultural Events Centre ─ Atutahi Riki gave thanks to God and asked that the work to be done would be done thoughtfully and respectfully. He also prayed that the community would be benefited by the new homes.
Atutahi Riki was accompanied by Paratai Tai Rakena, Rangiuia Riki and Raiha Gray.
In his remarks, Steven Peterson, Director for Temporal Affairs for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Pacific Area, expressed gratitude to the iwi representatives and all others who have supported the Church and the Temple View community over many years.
“E ngā mana, e ngā reo, tēnā koutou katoa. E ngā tāngata whenua Ngaati Maahanga kei te mihi, kei te mihi, kei te mihi,” Peterson said. [I acknowledge everyone of all languages and ancestry gathered today. I also greet and acknowledge Ngaati Maahanga the people of this land.]

Steven Peterson and guests. Temple View, New Zealand, 2 November 2020.
Steven Peterson and guests. Temple View, New Zealand, 2 November 2020.© 2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“We are delighted to be with you all today,” Peterson continued. “Members and missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been part of the fabric of New Zealand communities since the mid-1800s. We are happy to be so, and look to the past with deep gratitude; and to the future, with faith and hope.
“As a church we place great emphasis on doing what we can to strengthen faith in God and His beloved Son Jesus Christ. In fortifying families, and in contributing to cohesive and compassionate communities. We strive to obey the two great commandments as taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ – to love and obey God; and to love and lift our neighbours.”
He concluded, “We see this project as an opportunity to enhance this beautiful community. To make it an even more wonderful place to live. To raise a family, or to retire, in the glow of the Temple – which we see as a House of the Lord – and in close proximity to friendly neighbours. We are grateful to work with others, such as our friends from Classic, and with the support and blessing of our Ngaati Maahanga brothers and sisters. Thank you, again, for your interest, support and kindness.”
In his remarks, Classic Group representative, Scott Keene, expressed gratitude for iwi support for the project, and to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for its work to strengthen the Temple View community.