On 28 April, 2018, Kiribati First Lady, Mrs.Teiraeng Mamau, LDS Charities representatives, representative from the Red Cross and community leaders held a groundbreaking ceremony in Kawan Bairiki, Kiribati at the proposed site for a building containing twenty toilets.
Debweh Kanono of the Red Cross identified an area that would greatly benefit from the proposed structure then in partnership with LDS Charities, a plan was agreed on for the facility.
LDS Charities (the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) works with local organizations that know the unique needs of the communities they serve and can develop local solutions.

Guests of honour at the event included First Lady, Teiraeng Mamau, Elder Daniel and Rebecca Kitchen, humanitarian missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Iotua Tune, LDS Service Centre (temporal affairs administration office) Manager and counsellor in the Marshall Islands/Kiribati Mission.
Mrs. Teiraeng Mamau expressed her gratitude to the Church for the partnership which helped provide funding for the construction of this much needed facility.
Following the ceremony, the community provided a meal along with traditional singing and dancing for entertainment.
First Lady Mamau cut the celebration cake which was enjoyed by all.
Mormons believe that we should reach out to relieve suffering and give aid to those in need.