Most schools might be closed due to COVID-19, but learning and teaching continue.
Just because many schools around the world are not in session, doesn’t mean teachers’ and students’ workloads have diminished. In fact, for some, the demands have increased as teachers find ways to meet students’ learning needs remotely and help parents as they support their children.
Such is the case with the work for teachers and students at a primary school operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Suva, Fiji.
Teachers Sautu and Toro made sure of that. A day before school was closed because of the government lock-down, they distributed take-home packets to each of their students, with instructions not to open them.
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Inside the packet it read: “Bula Dear Parents: We welcome you to our Year 4 page. In addition to our Messenger group, Sister Toro and I have created this group for the purpose of reaching out to parents in regards to school work and anything related. We will be uploading videos, worksheets, and instructions for schoolwork to be done at home during this time.”
Through the school’s Parent/Teacher Facebook Messenger Group, they have kept students and parents updated with applicable schoolwork.
A Facebook page has been created which is being used to upload work and keep students and parents current.
To spark interest and help the students learn about a current event, the first week’s topic was the Coronavirus, with the academic subjects centred around that topic…even mathematics.
Following week one of the lock-down, parents and children reportedly “couldn’t wait” for the following week's work to be uploaded.
Pictures of families studying were sent to the teachers, thanking them for their support. Many students are wearing their green school uniforms while studying at home.