Latter-day Saints in Queensland Plant over 2,000 Trees on National Tree Planting Day
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Australia National Tree Planting Day, observed in Toowoomba, Queensland, on 4 September, saw Latter-day Saint volunteers plant over 2,000 trees in two parks.
The tree planting activity was sponsored by the Toowoomba Regional Council.
Councillors Megan O’Hara Sullivan and Tim McMahon helped with the project.
“The Council is delighted with your help,” McMahon said.
National Tree Day was co-founded in 1996 and is now Australia's biggest community tree planting event. Since it started, over 26 million trees have been planted by more than 5 million volunteers in schools and communities across Australia.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe the earth was created by God to be aesthetically pleasing and its resources to be used responsibly, with gratitude, and without waste, to sustain the human family.
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