Open House Begins for Auckland New Zealand Temple
The First Presidency of the Church has announced that an open house will be held from Thursday, the 27th of February to Saturday, the 22nd March, excluding Sundays.
Tours are free, but reservations are recommended. The tour lasts approximately 45 minutes. The temple is located at 19 Redoubt Road, Goodwood Heights, Auckland.
The open house gives people of all ages the opportunity to tour the temple’s beautiful interior and grounds and learn about the purpose of these sacred structures.
Latter-day Saints consider each temple to be a “house of the Lord,” and the most sacred place of worship on earth. Learn more here.

Mobile Prosthetics Clinic Brings Hope to Amputees

Masae Tunavasa with her new prosthetic leg. February 2025© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.A mobile prosthetics clinic led by Elder Matt Bracken and Sister Nylene Bracken, humanitarian missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is providing life-changing support to those in need in the South Pacific nation of Samoa.
Recognizing the urgent need for prosthetic care in Samoa, the Brackens transformed a 27-foot trailer into a fully functional mobile clinic.
Creating prosthetics takes a structured process. First, the team casts the patient’s residual limb, fills the mold with plaster, modifies it, and vacuum-forms the socket. The mobile clinic allows team members to manufacture prosthetics on-site, ensuring personalized fittings and immediate adjustments. Full article here.
New Zealand Panmure Stake Hosts Historic te reo Māori Sacrament Meeting
Te reo Māori, the language of the Māori people of New Zealand, is the language many use when they want to speak of the most spiritual feelings and experiences of their lives.
And that’s what happened on Sunday, 23 February, in Mt. Wellington Auckland, New Zealand. Māori members and friends of the Church gathered for a sacrament meeting where te reo Māori was the language of the prayers said, the hymns sung, and the sacraments offered. Learn more about the meeting here.

Māori Sacrament Meeting
Families worshipped together in their ancestral Māori language. February 2025© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Improving Educational Opportunities for Children in Vanuatu and Tonga
In March of 2023 two back-to-back cyclones struck Port Vila in Vanuatu and devastated the Sainte Jeanne D’Arc School classrooms.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in collaboration with the school just completed two newly constructed classrooms celebrating a key milestone in the school’s recovery. Read more here.
In Tonga, the Government Middle School of Veitongo, along with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, celebrated the building of two new classrooms recently. Over one hundred students will benefit from the buildings.
These classrooms will also be used as an evacuation center for the people in the village in times of a natural disaster. Click here to learn more.

Vanuatu Classroom
Sainte Jeanne D'Arc School classrooms. February 2025© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.