Members and guests of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints across the Pacific region participated in Easter Sunday worship services yesterday.

Responding to invitations from members of the Church, 65 individuals who are not Latter-day Saints attended Mormon worship services and Sunday School classes in congregations across Vanuatu.
Many of those who responded to invitations to attend were given small pass-along cards with details of church meetings, along with a link to the Easter-themed videos of the Church's "Prince of Peace" initiative on

Sermons, music and lessons yesterday focused on the ministry, Atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Local Latter-day Saint leader, Yvon Basil, was grateful for the strong interest shown by members of the Church and many other friends and neighbours attending services yesterday.
"When our friends come to church with us they see and know that we worship our Heavenly Father and Saviour Jesus Christ," he said.

President Basil added, "We should continue to put our faith and trust in our Father in Heaven and in our Saviour Jesus Christ and His Atonement."
He hoped that members of the Church in Vanuatu would continue to invite relatives, work associates, neighbours and friends to attend worship services.