Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga recently asked the people of American Samoa to regularly take part in efforts to keep their island clean and beautiful.
The Governor declared the second Friday of each month as an island-wide clean-up day.
Latter-day Saint leader, Nile Muliselu, has taken this initiative to heart, inviting other Church members to join in.
For the last two months, on the second Friday, President Muliselu and other Latter-day Saints picked up trash along the roadsides in their home areas. They also mowed and trimmed the grass near the roadsides and raked and bagged all debris.
Latter-day Saint Shirley De La Rosa said of the community effort: “Many hands can accomplish much. Many hands can beautify our island. And more hands can beautify the world.”
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in congregations around the world regularly participate in efforts to beautify and improve communities in which they live.