A group of Auckland teenagers gathered before school on Tuesday 18 February to meet special visitors Joseph and Emily Brough, and Milton and Patricia Camargo.
The teens, like many other Latter-day Saint youth around the world, meet each school day for an early morning scripture class called Seminary.
M. Joseph Brough is a member of the Young Men General Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Milton Camargo is a member of the Sunday School General Presidency of the Church.
They and their wives visit youth and parents around the world to offer love, leadership and counsel.
“It’s ok if we have questions, if we pray and ask the Lord to have our hearts softened,” Brother Camargo told the youth.
“If there’s something you don’t understand you can always pray and always receive an answer.”
Brother Camargo added, “In my life I have prayed and not always received the answer I wanted, but I have always received the answer that ‘I am with you.’”
“Instead of asking ‘Why do bad things happen to good people?’ we should ask ‘What do good people do when bad things happen?’”
Sister Camargo said, “I know Heavenly Father is above everything. He has a good solution to my problems.”
Brother Brough encouraged the young people to love God and follow Jesus Christ by being obedient to the commandments of God.
He also invited the young people to serve others, including through missionary service.
In responding to a question about managing technology in our lives, Brother Brough highlighted the good that comes from technology but also encouraged the teens to follow President Russell M. Nelson’s counsel to take a break from social media from time to time.
Sister Brough shared some personal stories about learning from the scriptures in ways that helped her family.
Seminary is a four-year religious educational program for high school students. It is open to teenagers of all faiths.
Students spend an entire school year studying one book of scripture: Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon or Doctrine and Covenants. By the time a student graduates, he or she will have completed the study of all four books.
Read more about Seminary here.