News Story

Helping Each Other Strengthen Our Faith in Jesus Christ

For Eden and Sabrina Brown, from Avarua, Cook Islands, the idea of trying to increase your faith in Jesus Christ is more achievable if you have help.

That's why they especially enjoyed a meeting they attended in their local congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints last Sunday (28 January) which was all about strengthening faith in Jesus Christ "one by one."

"Heavenly Father is aware of all His children's needs," the young husband and father said.

Eden and Sabrina Brown, of the Cook Islands
Eden and Sabrina Brown, of the Cook Islands
For Eden (right) and Sabrina Brown, from Avarua, Cook Islands, the idea of trying to increase your faith in Jesus Christ is more achievable if you have help. They look to the 2024 Pacific Area Focus for that assistance.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Eden describes ministering to others as "sharing a meal, spending time together, extending an invitation to help with a project, sending an uplifting message or lending support to help others achieve their goals. To be good at ministering is simply to be a good friend; doing your best to show love, kindness, and charity."

He continued, "Ministering one by one means seeking out an individual or family who might benefit from your love and service and doing what you can to strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ."

Eden's wife, Sabrina, says that "the concept of ministering one by one aims to mirror the Saviour's ministry here on Earth, where He loved and served those around Him, at most times, one by one."

She added, "From personal experience, being ministered to can be a healing and spiritual experience that can bless the lives of others when they feel the love of Christ. When a person is being ministered to, one by one, it becomes more intentional and personal."

Sabrina believes that ministering to one another, as Jesus Christ demonstrated, reminds a person that she or he is a "child of God," and that this is the beginning of positive growth and change.

Similar meetings in hundreds of congregations across the South Pacific were held last Sunday. Learn more and watch a video in your language here.

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