The Hamilton New Zealand Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was the first Mormon temple built in the Southern Hemisphere. It was announced in 1955 and dedicated in 1958.
It is a beautiful example of modern architecture and is considered a historic temple by the Church and a heritage listed structure in the Hamilton region.
The temple was constructed by volunteers. In 1950, the Church created the “labour missionary” program so that much-needed Church buildings could be constructed in the Pacific. People with experience were called as missionaries to supervise the projects, and young local missionaries volunteered their labour. More than 1,500 missionaries were called to assist in building the temple, and many people who were not members of the Church also volunteered.
The Temple View landmark closed on July 23, 2018 for a significant renovation. The project includes a seismic strengthening retrofit of the entire structure along with a complete replacement of the temple’s mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems. Workers will install a new roof and an accessible entrance to the temple baptistry. Additionally, the interior finishes of the temple will be completely refreshed. The existing parking lot will be expanded and the landscaping will be enhanced.
As the temple is historic, all renovation work must meet strict heritage standards for construction and aesthetics. In addition, six existing buildings on the site will be demolished and replaced with new facilities: five housing facilities for temple patrons and an outdoor maintenance building. The existing visitors’ centre will be renovated and converted into missionary housing.
The project is expected to be completed sometime in 2021. Following the remodel, the public will be able to tour the temple during an open house. After the open house, the temple will be rededicated.
The temple serves 115,000 Mormons in New Zealand, New Caledonia and the Cook Islands. During the renovation, these Latter-day Saints will worship in other temples throughout the Pacific, including those in Australia, Fiji, Samoa, Tahiti and Tonga.
Latter-day Saint temples are considered houses of God, where faithful Mormons participate in sacred ceremonies such as marriage and the uniting of families for eternity. Temples differ from meetinghouses or chapels, where all are welcome to meet for Sunday worship service and other activities.
More information about the purpose of temples is available on, including downloadable, high-resolution photos of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple.
Media Contacts:
Rich Hunter 021-240-7804
Vicki Wihongi 021-244-5242