At a “Thank You” event held on the 9th of February six charity partners were thanked for their participation in last December's Giving Machine campaign sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, held at the Logan Hyperdome Shopping Centre in Brisbane, Australia.

100% of the monies donated through the unique Giving Machine vending machines by the public during the campaign were presented to the charities with their commitment to use those funds for the designated purposes specified on the donor gift cards.
Queensland Church leader, Carl Maurer, told those present that we have a divinely appointed responsibility to care for those in need. It comes from the two great commandments, to love God and to love our fellowman. He quoted the Book of Mormon scripture: “………that when ye are in the service of you fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”
Logan City Councillor, Miriam Stemp, thanked the charities and the Church for their involvement adding that they were blessed to live in a community where so many people were willing to give to help others, whom they will never meet. She offered the Council’s full support for any future campaign that the Church would sponsor in the region.

The partner charities were:
Angel Flight Australia
Children’s Hospital Foundation
Community Involvement Solutions
Royal Flying Doctor Service Queensland Section

Each charity was presented with a representative cheque for the amount donated plus a framing of their six donor gift cards.