Missionary Becky Edmonds (L) accompanies a group of visitors from Vanuatu who have come to worship at the Fiji Suva Temple. Suva, Fiji, June 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The opportunity to visit a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a seemingly impossible, yet cherished dream for those who live an ocean away. A group of people from the small Vanuatu island of Tanna were grateful to have recently made the trip to Suva Fiji to worship in the temple there.
The people of Tanna have endured much hardship in recent years as cyclones have destroyed many homes and crops. This temple trip was a bright spot and an inspiration as they continue the labour of building back their lives.
For one member of the group, Rex Morgan Ialulu, worshipping in the House of the Lord was an “unforgettable experience.” He said, “We were overjoyed to feel the love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the temple. I know God lives, He loves His children and has a plan for them to return to Him. The temple is the House of the Lord.”
Tanna, Vanuatu District President, Rex Morgan Ialulu (Center Front), enjoys the visit to Fiji with fellow members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Vanuatu. Suva, Fiji, June 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Jesus Christ returned to the temple in Jerusalem throughout His life, to learn, worship, and draw strength from His Heavenly Father. As followers of Jesus Christ today, Tanna Saints, and millions of others around the world, come to temples for the same reasons.
Temple sacraments, or ordinances, teach God's plan for His children, including the gospel of Jesus Christ. Temples also enable worshippers to make and keep sacred promises, or covenants, with God, and to be united as families for eternity.