The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently launched a diabetes prevention education program titled, "Eat Healthy and Be Active."
A book by the same name has been published by the Church which provides suggestions for healthier living.

"It is very important to remember that when someone is trying to make positive health and lifestyle changes, they must feel support and love from those around them," the book suggests.
""We must learn to lift others, rather than cause them to become unbalanced by trying to push or pull them. We need to recognise that it takes a whole family, village and community for positive changes to happen."
The Church's Welfare Manager in Samoa, Elder Meliula Fata, recently introduced the book to people in American Samoa. He was accompanied by Latter-day Saint missionary couple, Elder and Sister Cameron.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are known for their healthy lifestyles. A health plan for the Church was first written down in 1833 by President Joseph Smith, and he presented it to early members specifically as a revelation from God. Today, Latter-day Saints refer to these health guidelines as "the Word of Wisdom” (Doctrine and Covenants 89).
Read more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and health.