Students at the Fiji Latter-day Saint College in Suva recently showed their creativity by forming the word “Embark” on their school rugby field.
“Embark” is the 2015 theme for Latter-day Saint youth around the world.
The theme is: “Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day” (D&C 4:2).
Salote Maiwiriwiri, the Vice-Principal of the school, said, “Our student leaders were trying to find a way of working together. We had a retreat and the theme was 'Confidence in Leadership.' The aim was to help each student leader understand how each one can touch certain students for the better."
For Emma Aitcheson, Deputy Head Girl of the school, "the word 'embark' reminds us of a journey and in the journey each person faces challenges and trials."
Head Girl, Savaira Veikoso, agrees. "In 2015 all the students of the school have embarked on a journey together to fulfil the school’s vision where 'every student succeeds every day academically, socially, spiritually and physically.'"
Each Friday the student leaders organise activities in houses to reinforce the school’s vision. Last Friday the challenge for the leaders was to practise their instructional and directive skills where they designed something beautiful and then put all their work into a collage of all their work.This required their creative skills and their confidence to pull it off. The leaders agreed to use the students to display the word "embark" on the rugby field of the school.
Students were invited to sacrifice their lunch time to do this so each class was assigned a letter to form. School leaders say it was chaotic at first but the final outcome is what you find on the photo where the 7th Form students formed the hashtag before the word embark.
Lewatu Kaumaitotoya, a new student in Form 7, said that she learnt the importance of cooperation and unity from this activity.
Watch a video about Latter-day Saints and education.
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