Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita, of the Pacific Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, met with members and friends of the Church in Canberra, Australia on 26-27 February. Elder Yamashita was accompanied by his wife, Sister Tazuko Yamashita.
On Sunday evening the couple spoke to a group of Canberra teenagers, some parents and youth leaders.
In his remarks, Elder Yamashita asked all the youth in the room to stand and to state their name, age and one goal of theirs in 10 seconds.
He thanked the youth for the great work they do and told them: “You are a chosen spirit and an incredible spirit!”

Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita visits with young people after a devotional for youth in Canberra Australia on 27 February 2022.
Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita visits with young people after a devotional for youth in Canberra Australia on 27 February 2022.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“Seek more education and a good education,” he said. “I am so grateful to have received a good education and had a good job.”
“Why should you get a good education?” he asked. “Because you are a chosen spirit and capable of doing great things.”
Elder Yamashita said, “I encourage you all to get a good, better, best education and be a good missionary. “Remember ‘Susume!’” [Susume means “Go forward,” in Japanese.]
Sister Yamashita described her full-time mission with the Church, in her 20’s, as “such a wonderful experience.”
“The Spirit told me when I was worried to serve, do not worry about your future, peace be unto your soul.”
Michael Stuart, president of the Canberra Australia Stake of the Church said that “an education will open doors and opportunities not there otherwise.” A stake is a group of Latter-day Saint congregations in a geographical area.
Youth speakers shared their experiences using the Church’s “Children and Youth” resources.
One teenager said that the new guidebook for young people “helped you learn and develop through customisable goals, allowing you to choose good things you want to achieve in your life.” A second youth shared that “goals aren’t working against me but helping me to grow.”
Zeniff M, a Canberra teenager, shared some of his experiences as he prepares to serve as a full-time missionary, and how these are strengthening his faith in Jesus Christ.
He said that he felt “peace of mind” leaving for two years of volunteer service, knowing that he “was not going to be left behind, and there was nothing to worry about.”
After the devotional, Canberra teenager, Daniel M, said, “To be asked our goals, hearing everyone share what they want to achieve, and how everyone was different, was good.”
Erin V said her take-away from the meeting was to “focus on school, as education is key.”