Since the beginning of the year, the members of the Paea Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have worked hard to improve the environment around them. They believe this effort is a way of acting as “good stewards” of the earth.
Paea is located on the island of Tahiti near the capital city of Pape’ete.
They have cleaned up the community cemetery, worked at the Papehue school, and helped with the maintenance of local roads.
- Cleaning-the-coastline-of-the-Municipality-of-Paea-contributes-to-an-environmentally-better-French-Polynesia.--June-2021--
- Teenagers-and-youth-volunteered-to-be-part-of-the-environment-project-during-Heipuni-Days-in-French-Polynesia.--June-2021
- This-project-helped-to-raise-awareness-of-the-importance-of-protecting-the-beaches-and-the-marine-resources-of-French-Polynesia.--June-2021
- Living-in-a-paradise-comes-with-a-responsibility-to-protect-nature-including-beaches-and-lagoons.--French-Polynesia,-June-2021
- Young-people.-with-their-leaders,-of-the-Church-enjoy-serving-at-the-Heipuni-Days.-French-Polynesia,-June-2021
- Youth,-leaders-and-families-along-the-coastline-of-the-municipality-of-Paea-for-the-clean-up-day.--French-Polynesia,-June-2021
- Mayor-Anthony-Geros-worked-alongside-others-at-the-first-Heipuni-(environment)-Days.--French-Polynesia,-June-2021
- Some-of-the-members-of-The-Church-of-Jesus-Christ-of-Latter-day-Saints-who-participated-to-the-Heipuni-Days-in-Paea,-French-Polynesia.--June-2021
- People-were-happy-to-serve-and-participate-to-clean-and-protect-their-beaches-and-lagoon.--French-Polynesia,-June-2021
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Recently, the Church was invited by the City to participate in the annual Heipuni (environment) Days.
In this "Faatura Te natura" (respect for nature) project, five environmental activities have been or will be offered to improve the environment and help enhance the area:
• “Protect your lagoon” coastline cleanup on June 5
• “Clean the roadsides” on July 24
• “Clear the rivers” on August 21
• “Clean the valleys” on September 18
• “Beautify your neighborhood contest” on October 16.
In June, members of the Church walked along the coastline and cleaned a section of the beach in Paea. It made everyone aware of the growing pollution in the ocean and the need to preserve marine resources.
The project was coordinated by Mathilda Tehoiri of the town council of Paea and a member of the Tepuhapa Ward, as well as Tavana Ariipeu Emile, deputy mayor.

Deputy Mayor Emile thanked the people for coming.
“We accomplished a great work today thanks to all our many partners. A big thanks to the associations and religious denominations, the Protestant Church, the Catholic Parish of St François Xavier and six wards (congregations) from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Maraa, Orofero, Vaiatu, Tepuhapa, Tiapa and Papehue. "
“We invite you to meet again in July for the clean-up day of our municipal roads. Keeping our city clean is everyone's business!” she concluded.
One of the participants said, “With young people, parents and leaders, we wanted to support our mayor and help the City to preserve our beaches and lagoon."
Rava Maraetefau expressed her joy in preserving the coastline: “This work is an opportunity to develop an appreciation for our beautiful environment and to connect with the community."
Church leader, Marc Taputuarai of the Papehue Ward, thanked the members of his congregation for their contribution: “When you are in the service of your fellow men, you are simply in the service of your God.”
He also said, "It is through small and simple things that great things are achieved.”
"For it is expedient that I, the Lord, should make every man accountable, as a steward over earthly blessings, which I have made and prepared for my creatures" (Doctrine and Covenants 104: 13).