Speaking in Sydney last Sunday night (24 May), Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, encouraged Church members to: “Be an example in your communities.”
“Now is the time when those who feel accountable to God need to be more forthcoming about their beliefs,” he said. “It is time for us to come out of our camouflage, to let people know who we are.”
Elder Quentin L. Cook and his wife Mary Cook are currently visiting Australia, meeting with leaders, members, missionaries and guests of the Church. This weekend they will travel to New Zealand.
Joining Elder and Sister Cook in last Sunday’s meeting were Elder Kevin W. Pearson, president of the Church’s Pacific Area, his wife June Pearson, and other local Church leaders.
After telling those in attendance that he and his wife have been married 52 years, Elder Cook said: “Men and women are equal partners. They are complementary to each other.”
“I hope,” he continued, “that we will be very wise in how we treat our children. Often in our homes we don’t exhibit the love that we should.”
“We need to build Zion in our homes and in our hearts,” Elder Cook said. “Focus on the temple, focus on the Saviour, focus on the Sabbath Day, and focus on the Sacrament. Jesus Christ lives. Focus your life on His life and you will live in love and kindness.”
In his remarks, Elder Kevin W. Pearson said, “The gospel of Jesus Christ is the foundation for a successful marriage and the tools to fix and strengthen one."
“Honouring the Sabbath Day and worthily partaking the Sacrament can strengthen marriage and family. When we choose to ‘Always have His Spirit to be with us,’ we choose the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness and temperance. When we choose the companionship of the Holy Ghost we choose love, forgiveness and kindness over anger, resentment and criticism."
Sister Mary Cook began her talk by saying, “I love the Family Proclamation!”
“Our children,” she said, “hunger for knowledge of the Saviour. They watch as we serve one another in the family and in the neighbourhood. They will imitate us and gain testimonies for themselves.”
“We can have love in our homes as we set an example of love for them.”