Maiakawanakaulani Cerena Turepu Roos and Uili Tumanuvao will be the student leaders at Auckland's Tamaki College next year, it was announced this week.
Both youth are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Of Cook Island and North American descent, Maia is a wonderful young woman, according to her family and friends.
She knows who she is and what she wants.
A member of the First 15 rugby team at Tamaki College, Maia is also a committed scholar and a great example to her friends, family and community.
Uili is of Samoan descent and is known as a humble and faithful young man.
Next year he is planning to study subjects that will enable him to pursue higher learning at Auckland University of Technology.
Tamaki College is situated in the Auckland suburb of Glen Innes. There is a high number of Pasifika and Māori students in attendance. The school is brimming with talent and promise.
Maia and Uili are looking forward to working with principal Soana Pamaka and others in the school community to help each student achieve their goals.
Watch a short video about Latter-day Saints and education: